Memory Clinic

Grandview’s Memory Clinic is a free service provided for our patients who feel they are having memory problems, have had memory issues and a family history of dementia or patients who have been seen by Dr Yang and are now being followed by their family Doctor.
Grandview Medical Centre has 2 Memory Clinic Teams. Each team is comprised of 1 doctor, 1 nurse, 1 pharmacist, and a social worker who is shared among the two teams. Memory clinics are held once or twice a month.
To access the Memory Clinic, your family physician must make a referral for the patient. Patients are not able to self refer. Referrals are then reviewed and appointments are given according to urgency.
Appointments take anywhere from 2-3 hours. Patients MUST bring a family member or someone who knows them really well with them to the appointment. They must also bring all of their medications in the original packaging/bottles, and any eye glasses or hearing aids that they may wear. As part of the assessment we will provide comprehensive history taking and cognitive testing which will include assessing the ability to drive. This does not include a road test. If it is deemed that the patient has a diagnosis of a memory related problem then we will see them again for follow up at our clinic.
Patients do not require more blood work for follow up visits unless specified. If you need to speak with our family health team you may call 519-623-4200 option 5.